For the first time ever „Fass ohne Boden“ (= FoB) was able to gain insight into a so called “top secret” intelligence service paper (Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism = called in Austria BVT). Hereafter we will provide an outline of these highly classified papers of Austria´s most intimate secrets. These records are highly charged and show why officers hide themselves behind the obligation of official secrecy. A Syrian war criminal was channelled into Austria with the assistance of the BVT.
The question is, why do those state secrets appear in files of the white-collar crime prosecution authorities. There is a major intrigue of top-ranking officials.
Motives for such a cooperation?
A BVT official investigated this question as follows. The former General had some information about activities of the Syrian intelligence service in Austria. But first there was a serious problem to solve: Renting a flat (in Austria) requires a bank account first. To open a bank account, you need a asylum status. So, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution had to help:

Informer: „Such corporation are usual“
Moral has no place in the business of intelligence service. Such cooperation are most usual as an informer says. While screening the documents he got appalled: “Unlike the BVT we are discreet and keep our word.”

So, the editorial office wont detain the reports the informer assorted:
2015 the General travelled to Vienna
2015 the former General travelled to Vienna with the help of the BVT and an allied intelligence service. Money did not assume a role because the costs would be covered by another intelligence service. There was not enough time to prepar the operating plan “White Milk”, so the federal officers for the protection of the constitution had to ad-lib. The Syrian torture-general was hidden in a little tiny flat of the father in law of the head of the counterintelligence. He did not know whether that or who he was hiding.
Khaled H. a member of the most known Druze clan in Syria, is accused to be involved in major war crimes like human rights violation and torture according to French asylum authorities. He used to be member of the Syrian national security at that time.
Full-on legend and blocking of information of the public registration
Due to the very help of the BVT the former Syrian General received asylum just within months. Why did that happen that fast?
When officers of the Federal office of Immigration and Asylum received emails from the BVT proving the importance of the Syrian General there was no doubt how to handle that. The General was totally blocked from public registration and received a new identity so he could be properly hidden in Vienna. Who what so ever is responsible for the code name “Alexander” knows Syria only by Wikipedia…
Although all costs were covered by the foreign intelligence service, there was still a claim of basic services. As luck would have it his real name was used! By way of example the General received in October 2015 € 95.-, November 2015 € 320.-, December 2015 € 271.-. Having the cooperative foreign intelligence service paying for all costs, still this guy was sent to claim that basic service an informer cynically mentioned. “That Cover ist just a mess!” the informer moaned.
Suspicion of war crimes like crime against humanity and genocideThey raised concernes over this
Just a few weeks after the General received his positive notification of his asylum status, a NGO contacted the Department of Justice. They raised concerns over this positive notification and asked for a meeting. That meeting took place in end of January 2015. Representatives of “The Commission for International Justice and Accountability (= CIJA)” appeared in person.
Still raising serious concerns the things were kept easy. It took about two and half years to get concrete. Due to the first cause report dating from 31. July 2018, there is mentioned that “the Syrian Brigadier General was in charge as head of the national security department “Branch 335” at least from 2009 until March of 2013 in Ar-Raqqa. This national security department “Branch 335” was directly under control of Baschar Al-Assad. This department was responsible for the very brutal abolition of demonstrations of the Syrian opposition. There is a justified suspicion of the highly active participation of the General in human rights violation as well as torture with taser, rape cases and other psychological and sexual violations.
Caesar’s Photos proved inquity in Syria
According to the US “Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act” the Syrian General is highly represented. Ceasar is a pseudonym of a not publix known photographer who proved human right violations of the Syrian government during the civil war.
Due to the public relations officer of the Department of Justice this case is still under investigation (file number: 705 St 16/16a). “It is a pending action” the press officer says in a short statement. Therefore, there won’t be any further information about this case.
This editorial office addressed questions to Europol who were never answered. The CIJA was contacted but they also relegated to the pending actions in court. No Information were given. At least another NGO contact in Syria was given.
Several Officers who are highly involved refused to comment. There are preliminary investigations by public prosecution toward those officers. One the one hand they are articled to their professional confidentiality as well as on the other hand this is also a matter of a top secret classified case. No information will be provided. Why the former BVT Director and the at that time BVT Deputy Director even got to engage in such a cooperation is a very reasonable question.
All named persons are under presumption of innocence.
Chronology of events
February / March 2013: With help of the opposition the Syrian general fled from Ar-Raqqa. At his application of asylum, he argued that he illegally entered Turkey afoot.
April / May 2013: Two months later the Torture General moved to Jordan. There he applied for a visa at the French embassy. So called Druze Prince Walid Dschumblatt helps Khaled H. to get into Europe.
27. February 2014: With the help of human trafficker the torture general succeeds the unlawful entry to France. In Paris he applies for asylum. The cost of the unlawful entry into Europe is about € 12.000.-
Spring 2015: A cooperation agreement is signed between the that time Deputy Director of the BVT and a foreign intelligence service concerning Mr. Khaled H.
11. May 2015: Former head of department and former head of division are sharing the same BVT Officer for this case.
12. June 2015: By his own account a so called “Friend” gets the General into a train to Vienna.
13. June 2015: The torture General arrives in Vienna.
15. June. 2015: First interview due to migration law in Traiskirchen. “I will stay at my home address in 1100 in Vienna.” All costs for that flat were covered by the BVT and Department 5.
28. June 2015 – 02. July 2015: 6 persons were holding a workshop near the airport. The torture General is probably interviewed by the Department 5. All costs were covered by the Department of the Interior.
2. December 2015: Khaled H. receives the positive notification of his application of asylum. He also receives a Geneva Convention passport.
January 2016: A letter arrives in the Department of Justice from “The Commission for International Justice and Accountability” (CIJA). Serious concerns because of a participation of Khaled H. on war crimes are mentioned.
29. January 2016: First suspicious facts regarding the General are issued in an official meeting of the BVT, CIJA as well as the Department of Interior. Head of Department of the Department of Justice, Mr. Christian Pilnacek is also attending this meeting. There are logfiles from Skype as well as screenshot from Facebook presented, proving that Khaled H is living in Vienna. An evidence of possible war crimes was not available.
15. June 2016: Another meeting between Department 5 and the BVT. The cooperation is sustained.
2. July 2017: A request from the French Europol Department is sent to all other member states. The suspicion substantiated concerning war crime, human right violation and genocide.
29. December 2017: The notification of the application of asylum done in France is answered negative.
2. October 2018: By order of the executive of the BVT the cooperation with the partner Department 5 is ended.
Hereinafter is a picture out of a UN report as well as a link to the UN report regarding the atrocities above mentioned. The editorial staff points out that the picture is about a dead person. IF you want to see the picture please follow the link.